In This Issue: December 2023
- Happy Holidays!
- Give the Gift of Eye Health
- Skip the Digital Devices for Gifts this Season
- Reduce Eyestrain When Online Shopping

Happy Holidays!
All of us at Nevada Eye Physicians extend our warmest wishes to you and your loved ones during this holiday season. May your days be filled with joy, peace, love and good health – especially your eye health. Remember to take care of yourself by getting plenty of rest, staying hydrated and enjoying festivities in moderation. Your eyes and your body will thank you. Happy Holidays!

Give the Gift of Eye Health
If you’re looking for a meaningful gift idea, consider the many ways you can help a loved one protect or improve their eyesight. Here are a few ideas that could be life-changing for the recipients:
- Help a loved one schedule an eye exam and/or give an eye exam gift card
- Offer to pay for a vision correction procedure such as LASIK
- Purchase a pair of sunglasses that have 100% UV protection built into the lenses
- Purchase a pair of blue light-blocking glasses for loved ones who use digital screens for work or entertainment
- Help an older adult schedule a cataract evaluation and attend the appointment with them
You can find simple gift certificate templates online that you can fill out with your own unique gift – or hand-write a gift voucher of your own. They make great stocking stuffers! To schedule an appointment with our team, call (702) 896-6043.

Skip the Digital Devices for Gifts this Season
December is Safe Toys & Celebrations Month. You may have heard our practice caution against purchasing toys with sharp, protruding or projectile parts that pose a danger to children’s eyes such as BB guns, Nerf guns, and slingshots. This year we’d like to add digital devices to our list. Evidence is mounting that too much screen time and not enough time outside may be behind the recent rise in nearsightedness in children. The American Academy of Ophthalmology has created a list of gift ideas for kids to get them away from screens:
- Arts & crafts supplies. Get their creative juices flowing with art classes, paint sets, coloring books, easels, jewelry beads or knitting/sewing kits.
- Outdoor-inspired gifts. Sports equipment like snow gear, roller skates, hiking boots or bicycles are all good ways to encourage healthy outdoor play. Include the right protective eyewear for their sport of choice.
- Educational games. As your toddler’s hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills naturally develop, toys such as building blocks or puzzles become easier to use. Age-appropriate board games for learning how to count, tell time, memory games and other educational themes are good options. For older kids, find classic board games in foreign languages — such as Guess Who or Scrabble — to practice basic language questions and grammar.
- Social card games. Examples include Tabletopics Teen Edition or What Do You Meme. These are great for getting teens away from their phones and interacting with friends and family.
- Musical instruments. Guitars, harmonicas, ukuleles and other portable woodwind or string instruments can be enjoyed anywhere – even outside.
Be sure to check the recommended age range on gifts before buying them for the children in your life.

Reduce Eyestrain When Online Shopping
Searching for the perfect gift online can take time! In fact, many of us end up spending way too much time staring at digital devices, making eyestrain a common condition – especially this time of year. Digital eyestrain can cause a headache, sore neck, dry eyes, burning eyes, double vison and other symptoms. While this isn’t usually a serious condition, it can be uncomfortable. Here are some tips to reduce eyestrain:
- Practice the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, shift your eyes to look at an object at least 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds
- Use artificial tears to lubricate your eyes
- Try wearing blue light glasses
- Use a humidifier in your home
- Blink often
- Reduce glare and contrast/brightness on your screen
If you are experiencing ongoing eye irritations, contact us at (702) 896-6043 to schedule an eye exam. You might have dry eye or another condition that can be treated to provide you relief.