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What is Glaucoma and How is it Treated?

Often called “the silent thief of sight,” glaucoma is the leading cause of vision loss in Americans over the age of sixty. Glaucoma has earned this nickname because it is often asymptomatic in its early stages, and people are not aware that they have it until their vision has already been negatively affected. Keep reading […]

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Red, Dry, Irritated Eyes? Finding Relief from Dry Eye

If your eyes are constantly red, dry, and irritated, you may be experiencing some of the symptoms of chronic dry eye. While many people have dry eyes occasionally, people with chronic dry eye experience the uncomfortable, often painful symptoms of this common eye condition daily. Keep reading to learn more about dry eye, including how […]

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What is LASIK Eye Surgery?

Are you frustrated by constantly smudged glasses or contact lenses that are uncomfortable? If you’ve had enough of relying on glasses or contact lenses to see clearly, it’s the perfect time to consider LASIK. Keep reading to learn more about LASIK! What is LASIK? LASIK is short for Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis. It is a […]

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How Do I Know If I Have Diabetic Retinopathy?

Whether you have a recent diagnosis or you have had diabetes for years, it’s important to be aware of diabetic retinopathy. Diabetic retinopathy is a complication that can develop in anyone with diabetes. You can protect the quality of your vision by knowing about the signs, diagnostic tests, available treatments, and means of preventing the […]

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What is Macular Degeneration and What Are the Most Common Symptoms?

Macular degeneration is a common eye condition that blurs the sharp, central vision needed for activities like reading and driving. It happens after age fifty, but catching symptoms like blurry areas near the center of vision early is key to saving your sight.  Though there is no cure, early detection and treatment can significantly slow […]

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February 2024 Newsletter

In This Issue: February 2024 High Myopia (Nearsightedness) & Macular Degeneration Risk February is Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) month. AMD is the deterioration of the central part of the retina (the macula) due to age. There is also a similar condition that can affect younger people who have severe myopia (nearsightedness). If you have an […]

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Is Your Child Struggling in School? The Importance of Pediatric Eye Exams

Recent studies have shown that more and more children are being diagnosed with myopia, or near-sightedness, than ever before. With the incidence of myopia in children on the rise, it is more important than ever for children to have regular pediatric eye exams. Regular eye exams are the best way to catch vision problems early […]

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Seeing Spots and Cobwebs in Your Vision? Understanding Floaters and Flashes

While often harmless, the sudden appearance of eye floaters or flashes can cause concern or alarm for some people. These sensations can be unsettling when you don’t understand what’s causing them or whether they may indicate a more serious vision issue. Keep reading to learn more about flashes and floaters! What are Floaters and Flashes? […]

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December 2023 Newsletter

In This Issue: December 2023 Happy Holidays! All of us at Nevada Eye Physicians extend our warmest wishes to you and your loved ones during this holiday season. May your days be filled with joy, peace, love and good health – especially your eye health. Remember to take care of yourself by getting plenty of […]

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How Do Eye Doctors Treat Glaucoma?

Often referred to as the “silent thief of sight,” glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness in Americans over the age of sixty. It is often asymptomatic in its earliest stages, meaning that a person’s vision may have already been impaired in some way before they are even properly diagnosed! Keep reading to […]

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Seek Treatment Today

If you are experiencing any symptoms associated with cataracts, it is important to seek attention from an eye care professional as soon as possible. At Nevada Eye Physicians, we work to both diagnose and treat cataracts to help our patients gain clearer vision. To schedule your consultation, contact one of our facilities today.

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